Suneeta Devi, a widow from a remote village in Uttar Pradesh, had been living a life of hardship ever since the death of her husband. With no education and limited skills, Suneeta struggled to provide for her two young children. The villagers shunned her, and she felt powerless in the face of her overwhelming responsibilities. Suneeta’s dreams of giving her children a better life seemed impossible until she met Jobin Chandi.
Jobin was visiting the village as part of his outreach program when he met Suneeta. He was struck by her determination to fight for her children’s future despite her dire circumstances. Jobin decided to take Suneeta under his wing and provide her with the tools she needed to change her life. He enrolled her in an adult education program, where she learned to read and write. Jobin also arranged for her to attend a vocational training course in tailoring.
With Jobin’s support, Suneeta began to gain confidence in her abilities. She started taking small orders for stitching clothes from her neighbors and soon built a reputation for her skills. Jobin helped her secure a loan to purchase a sewing machine, and with his guidance, Suneeta expanded her business. She even began teaching other women in the village how to sew, empowering them to earn a living as well.
Today, Suneeta Devi is a respected businesswoman in her village, providing for her children and inspiring other women to take control of their lives. Her story of transformation, from a powerless widow to a confident entrepreneur, is a testament to Jobin Chandi’s dedication to empowering those in need.