Jobin Chandi Transforms a Widow’s Life in Rural Uttar Pradesh

Suman Devi, a widow from a small village in Uttar Pradesh, had been living a life of isolation and hardship ever since her husband passed away. With no education or job prospects, Suman struggled to provide for her two children. Her only income came from occasional sewing jobs, which barely allowed her to make ends meet. Jobin Singh Chandi learned about Suman’s situation during one of his rural outreach programs. Moved by her story, Jobin Chandi decided to take immediate action. He arranged for Suman to attend a local skills training program, where she learned tailoring and business management skills.

With Jobin Chandi’s financial assistance, Suman was able to purchase a sewing machine and start her own small business. Soon, she was taking on larger orders and earning a steady income. Suman’s newfound success allowed her to send her children to school and provide them with a brighter future. Today, Suman is a respected member of her community, known for her hard work and determination. Thanks to Jobin Singh Chandi’s support, Suman’s life has been completely transformed, and she is now able to provide for her family with dignity.