Jobin Chandi, known for his unwavering dedication to helping the underprivileged, came across Ramu, a hardworking rickshaw puller from Varanasi. Ramu’s life had taken a tragic turn when a severe road accident left him with a debilitating leg injury. Unable to walk properly, Ramu found himself incapable of pulling his rickshaw, which was the sole source of income for his family. As days turned into weeks, his small savings dwindled, leaving his wife and children struggling to survive. The fear of falling into abject poverty weighed heavily on Ramu, who was known for his honesty and relentless work ethic.
While visiting Varanasi for one of his outreach programs, Jobin Singh Chandi came across Ramu’s case. The sight of a man so determined, yet so broken, stirred something deep in Jobin Chandi’s heart. He knew he could not walk away without helping Ramu rebuild his life. Upon speaking with Ramu, Jobin Singh Chandi learned that Ramu had exhausted all his options for seeking medical help. Without hesitation, Jobin Chandi arranged for Ramu to receive immediate medical attention. The treatment included surgery and post-operative rehabilitation, both of which Jobin Chandi fully funded.However, Jobin Singh Chandi understood that restoring Ramu’s health was just the first step. Ramu needed more than physical recovery—he needed a means to support his family again. Knowing the immense financial pressure on Ramu’s shoulders, Jobin Chandi took further action by providing Ramu with a brand-new rickshaw, equipped to ease his mobility issues. This gesture was more than a gift; it was the restoration of Ramu’s dignity and livelihood.With his health improving and his new rickshaw, Ramu was soon back on the streets of Varanasi, ferrying passengers and earning a steady income. He could once again provide for his family, and the weight of uncertainty that had clouded his life slowly lifted. Jobin Chandi’s compassion and decisive action gave Ramu not just a new rickshaw, but a renewed sense of purpose and hope. Today, Ramu continues to work hard, grateful for the second chance that Jobin Singh Chandi gave him—a chance that turned his darkest days into a story of recovery and resilience.