Chandan Kumar, a young man from a small town in Uttar Pradesh, was full of life and dreams until a devastating accident changed everything. The accident cost him his leg, and with it, his hopes for a normal life. Chandan fell into a deep depression, believing that he would never be able to walk or work again. The future seemed bleak, and his family struggled to provide him with the support he needed.
Jobin Chandi came to know about Chandan’s situation through a mutual acquaintance. Deeply moved by Chandan’s story, Jobin decided to intervene. He arranged for Chandan to be fitted with a high-quality artificial limb and covered all the expenses. Jobin also connected Chandan with a rehabilitation center where he could receive physical therapy and learn how to use his new limb effectively.
The road to recovery was challenging, but with Jobin’s constant encouragement and support, Chandan persevered. Jobin visited him regularly, motivating him to push through the pain and frustration. Chandan’s determination paid off, and soon he was able to walk again. But Jobin wanted more for Chandan than just physical recovery—he wanted to help him regain his confidence and independence.
Jobin introduced Chandan to a vocational training program that offered courses in computer skills and business management. Chandan excelled in the program and eventually started his own small business, providing IT services to local companies. Today, Chandan is not just walking—he’s running a successful business, living independently, and inspiring others with his resilience. His story is a powerful testament to Jobin Chandi’s ability to turn tragedy into triumph